Équipe : Epithelial growth and morphogenesis
Responsable : Vincent Mirouse
Laboratoire : UMR 6293 Génétique Reproduction et Développement (Clermont-Ferrand)
URL : https://www.gred-clermont.fr/directory/team/fr/equipe-09-morphogenese-et-croissance-epitheliales/
Descriptif :
study of epithelial tissue morphogenesis using Drosophila ovarian follicle as a model. interest in both apical and basal domain dynamics (Apical constriction, interaction with ECM, migration... )
study of epithelial tissue morphogenesis using Drosophila ovarian follicle as a model. interest in both apical and basal domain dynamics (Apical constriction, interaction with ECM, migration... )
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