Équipe : Cell Death and Epithelial Homeostasis
Responsable : Romain Levayer
Laboratoire : UMR 3738 Bases génétiques, moléculaires et cellulaires du développement (Pasteur Paris)
Descriptif :
Our group is interested by the plasticity of epithelial and the fine adjustement of cell elimination in physiological and perturbed conditions. We use quantitative approaches (live imaging, optogenetics, simulations, laser perturbations) to study the role of mechanics in cell elimination, the process of cell extrusion and the competitive interactions between different cell types.
Our group is interested by the plasticity of epithelial and the fine adjustement of cell elimination in physiological and perturbed conditions. We use quantitative approaches (live imaging, optogenetics, simulations, laser perturbations) to study the role of mechanics in cell elimination, the process of cell extrusion and the competitive interactions between different cell types.
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