Fluctuation relations and fitness landscapes of growing cell populations
A. Genthon and D. Lacoste
Scientific Reports 10, 11889 (2020) [Accès à la revue]
Nous développons ici un formalisme pour analyser et relier des expériences de cellules uniques (type mother machine) et des expériences reposant sur une visualisation d'une population de cellules en phase de croissance. Nous discutons de relations profondes reliant la statistique des nombres de divisions ou temps entre deux divisions et le taux de croissance de la population.
Abstract: We construct a pathwise formulation of a growing population of cells, based on two different samplings of lineages within the population, namely the forward and backward samplings. We show that a general symmetry relation, called fluctuation relation relates these two samplings, independently of the model used to generate divisions and growth in the cell population. We investigate some consequences of this fluctuation relation, which constrains the distributions of the number of cell divisions and leads to inequalities between the mean number of divisions and the doubling time of the population. We also study the fitness landscape, a concept based on the two samplings, which quantifies the correlations between a phenotypic trait of interest and the number of divisions. We obtain explicit results when the trait is the age or the size, for age and size-controlled models.
Thème : None
Equipe : None