The PDEtools package

The Physics Institute

|Computer Algebra projects|

Software-package file: (for Maple R4) or (for Maple R5).

Contents: PDEtools Release 1.92 and ODEtools Release 4.0.

April/3/99, PDEtools works with Maple V R.4 and the new R5, and is distributed in library format together with ODEtools.
To load the packages into a Maple session unzip the file in any directory and add that directory to the 'libname' (see the readme.txt file). A brief summary of the last updates is available.

Author(s): E.S. Cheb-Terrab and K. von Bulow.
Comments: Analytical solving of partial differential equations, systems of ordinary differential equations, changes of (dependent and independent) variables, and related topics. On-Line help in R4 format (maple.hdb help-database).

The PDEtools package is a MapleV R.4 implementation of analytical methods for solving and working with PDEs. The main commands of the package are: pdsolve, a PDE-solver; dchange, for making changes of variables; splitsys, for splitting up systems of ODEs; and mapde, for mapping PDEs into more convenient PDEs, and PDEplot (prepared by A.D Roche), for plotting numerical solutions for non-linear first order PDEs. For more On-Line info see PDEtools details.

Additional documentation available:

We would appreciate any reports of bugs to be sent to

Last updated April-3-99 by E.S. Cheb-Terrab.