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Triggering cortical actin nucleation in the early embryo.

Type Thèse
Proposé le 19/02/2018, valable jusqu'au 1/11/2018
Lieu IGBMC, Strasbourg
Domaine Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Contact Anne-Cécile Reymann
Descriptif Cell architectures equilibrate and remodel perpetually. The cellular cortex is an active material that allows cells to maintain their shape, produce or sense forces. It is a submicron network under the cell membrane consisting mostly of actin filaments and myosin molecular motors. This actin cortex is key in maintaining such dynamical equilibrium by constant assembly-disassembly processes using a wide palette of molecular building blocks. The specific aim of this PhD will be to fully understand the process of cortical actin assembly and answer the how/when/where questions related to it. We will start by characterizing the molecular orchestration of actin and actin binding molecules during the cortical assembly process in the C. elegans early embryo. 3 year PhD at the interface of cell biology/live imaging /quantitative biology/biophysics.