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Syamal Kumar DANA
Central Instrumentation, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, India
Syamal Kumar Dana is presently Scientist F and Head, Central Instrumentation Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata 700032, India.
His research interest is synchronization of chaotic systems and his main focus is to experiment on synchronization using electronic chaotic circuits. His current interest is extended to designing of electronic version of synthetic genetic networks to explore their collective behaviors.
Syamal Kumar Dana is Head of Central Instrumentation at Indian Institute of Chemical Biology in Kolkata
Design of coupling for targeting synchronization in chaotic electronic circuits
Engineering synchronization in coupled chaotic systems is addressed in this report. Different synchronization states, namely, complete synchronization (CS), antisynchronization (AS), arbitrary lag synchronization (ALS) and amplitude death (AD), and also mixed synchronization (MS) is targeted by appropriate design of coupling in two or more oscillators. The design of coupling is based on two different methods, (1) open-plus-closed-loop (OPCL) based on Hurwitz stability, (2) Lyapunov function stability based coupling. Given a model chaotic system, one can always design an appropriate coupling function, using the proposed methods, to target any desired synchronization state. We explored the methods for both master-slave and mutual mode of coupling. We compare the two methods on the basis of their local and global stability and, their applicability. We provide experimental evidences with electronic circuit design of all the proposed coupling.
1. I.Grosu, E.Padmanaban, P.K.Roy, S.K.Dana, Designing coupling for synchronization and amplification of chaos, Phys.Rev.Lett. 100, 234102 (2008).
2. I.Grosu, R.Banerjee, P.K.Roy, S.K.Dana, Designing coupling for synchronization of chaotic oscillators, Phys.Rev. E80, 016212 (2009).
3. E.Padmanaban, S.K.Dana, Design of coupling for targeting synchronization in chaotic circuits: Global stability (to be reported).