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New Challenges in Turbulence Research VII 10/02/2025

École de Physique des Houches

10 Février - 16 Février 2025


Organisateurs : Mickaël Bourgoin - Laboratoire de Physique, ENS de Lyon, UCBL1 & CNRS Adam Cheminet - SPHYNX, CEA Saclay & Univ. Paris-Saclay Mathieu Gibert - Institut Neel, CNRS & UGA Nathanaël Machicoane - LEGI, CNRS & UGA

The thematic school "New Challenges in Turbulence Research VII" will offer its participants a detailed view on some of the major topics of the current research on fluid turbulence. It is part of a series of international schools held, since its first edition in 2010, at the École de Physique des Houches in the french Alps. It will take place from February 10 to 16, 2025. This seventh edition will revolve around Turbulence for the Climate, focusing on the following topics: Turbulence and extreme events Turbulence & Atmosphere Turbulence & Ocean Two-phase turbulence In-situ metrology The NCTR VII school will offer its participants to follow 22h30 of lectures at the same time pedagogical and of the highest level. In parallel to the lectures, some sessions will be devoted to shorter talks and posters allowing participants to present their work. PhD students, post-docs and junior and senior researchers are all welcome.



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